Authors |
Kosharnaya Galina Borisovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. One of the central issues in the study of entrepreneurship – a motivation problem. It is believed that entrepreneurship in its essence is interested primarily only to make a profit. However, sociological studies show that with age there is a decrease in importance of this motive in business and an increase in motives of independence and self-expression. The purpose of this article is to identify the motivation of contemporary Russian businessmen.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented on the basis of the analysis of the state and business trends. The article presents the data of the author’s survey of entrepreneurs in Volga region and of other research data bases.
Results. The study results show that the motivational core of a post-Soviet entrepreneur, as well as a western one, constitutes the highest level of need and, above all, the need for independence and success. Material well-being is the main motivating factor for a entrepreneur, as a rule, at the initial stage of his/her activity. As for entrepreneurs’ income, money is needed to get more freedom in their future business activities.
Conclusions. The post-Soviet sphere of Russian entrepreneurs is predominated by people with business and creative motivation. This is primarily due to the desire of businessmen for independence, self-reliance, it is in their life orientation.
Key words |
entrepreneurship, motivation of entrepreneurial activity, innovative and creative motivation, structure of entrepreneurial motivation, core of motivation.
References |
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